A black background with a blue square in the middle.



A blue square with an arrow and a check mark.

You Select A Code

You pick the 3-5 digit code that you feel best fits your business. For example, if you are a doctor, you may want #PAIN (#7246) or #HURT (#4878).

A computer screen with a flower on it.

We Program The Code

Once you select your code we will program it on At&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile. We can route the number at a nationwide, state, or county level. It’s up to you.

A blue rocket is flying in the air.

You Launch It

You can begin marketing your new vanity code. When anyone in your selected area dials that code, it automatically gets routed right to you. Pretty cool right?

Routing Options


Our #Code system allows us to assign areas by county, state, or nationwide. So we can route the calls based on your business needs. Our four pricing plans allow you to start local and scale as you grow.

Call handling

Once the call comes to you, how your route is completely up to you. We could have it routed to your personal cell phone, a main number, or a call center. We can even do a phone tree If you have multiple specialties such as Personal Injury, Malpractice, Bankruptcy etc.


Through our tracking software we can track various data points like number of phone calls, area codes used etc. Our goal, is to provide you with a clear and transparent process that allows you to make better business decisions and drive more leads. That is our commitment to you.

Request A Demo

A black background with a blue square in the middle.
# codes are short abbreviated dialing codes. They work on the back end just like any other number. However, they have some advanced features that 800 numbers do not have, such as, geo-routing. They also are easier for your customer to remember. 





Selena Carmara
National Sales Director [email protected]


Easy Dial International, Inc. 13014-North Dale Maybry Hyw. ste.237 Tampa, Florida, 33618 United States

FASTDIALCODES.COM Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved.